Serve local

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royal family kids camp

Royal Family Kids Camp is a transformative 5-day adventure that opens up a world of wonder and possibilities for foster children aged 6 to 12. We believe every child deserves to feel loved, valued and supported. Our dedicated volunteers work tirelessly to create life-changing camp experiences and mentoring relationships for children who have faced abuse, neglect and abandonment. There are many ways to get involved. Join us for an Informational Meeting on Sunday, March 2, after service in the Alcove to hear about the different ways to get involved. 

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North Littleton Promise

North Littleton Promise provides after-school clubs, summer programs, and soccer teams for elementary, middle, and high school students, plus faith, education, and leadership opportunities for the whole family. They serve immigrant families in...

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Open Door Ministries

Open Door Ministries exists to provide practical help and hope to people in urban Denver who are homeless or low income. Our primary objective is to move people toward self-sufficiency by helping change the circumstances and life patterns that...

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Serve Local Alerts

Want to receive updates on current needs or ways to serve our community? Sign-up to receive our Serve Local Alerts via email.



Prayer Minister

Prayer ministers are the heart of Waterstone. Join our intercessory prayer group that prays over needs in the church and community throughout the week, and if you are available, participate in our weekly prayer groups that gather before the...

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Restoration Outreach Programs

Meeting needs, building relationships and restoring lives through Christ within the East Colfax community. Ways to Get Involved: ESL Class: Volunteers will receive curriculum, training and guidance as they build friendships with our eager...

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Royal Family Kids Camp

Royal Family Kids serves to create positive, life-changing moments for children ages 6-12 in foster care through their annual summer camp and year-round mentoring programs that meet monthly.  Ways to Get Involved: Give: Help cover...

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Severe Weather Shelter Network

The volunteers at Severe Weather Shelter Network (SWSN) help prevent homeless deaths due to exposure on freezing nights. Ways to Get Involved: On the days/evenings that are declared shelter nights. Registration Assistant: assist with...

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Stephen Minister

During a difficult time, having someone to care, to listen, and to share God’s love can help you get through the confusion, stress, or loneliness. Stephen Ministers are trained to provide this confidential, one-on-one Christian care...

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Tech Team

Do you have an interest in serving and helping in the sound booth for weekend services? Or how about experience in videography? Reach out and we'd love to connect.

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