Restoration Outreach Programs

Missions & Outreach

Meeting needs, building relationships and restoring lives through Christ within the East Colfax community.

Ways to Get Involved:

  • ESL Class: Volunteers will receive curriculum, training and guidance as they build friendships with our eager refugee and immigrant students in the community, Monday-Thursday from 10am-12pm.
  • Food Bank: Volunteers seek to make an eternal impact on marginalized individuals and families living along East Colfax in Aurora, CO, by providing compassion, encouragement, respect, and food at our weekly food banks, Mondays & Tuesdays from 10am-1pm.




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Trailhead community

You can support our new neighbors! Provide a community dinner (30 people) or sign-up to be a front desk concierge—both are big ways to make a difference in this special community.

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