Night Lights Volunteer

Children's Ministry, Missions & Outreach
Night Lights provides respite care for families with children with special needs and their siblings. These monthly programs gives parents a night off while knowing their kids are safely cared for and having fun.

Ways to Get Involved:

  • Night Lights is looking for volunteers who are 18 years of age or older including people from all professions, backgrounds, and skill-levels. Many volunteers are paired with a special needs child, while others can serve by helping with activities or crafts. General requirements include a passion for making the world a better place for children, completing the volunteer training and passing a background check. This is a 5-hour commitment one Friday night a month.


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royal family kids camp

Royal Family Kids Camp is a transformative 5-day adventure that opens up a world of wonder and possibilities for foster children aged 6 to 12. We believe every child deserves to feel loved, valued and supported. Our dedicated volunteers work tirelessly to create life-changing camp experiences and mentoring relationships for children who have faced abuse, neglect and abandonment. There are many ways to get involved. Join us for an Informational Meeting on Sunday, March 2, after service in the Alcove to hear about the different ways to get involved. 

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