Open Door Ministries

Children's Ministry Missions & Outreach

Open Door Ministries exists to provide practical help and hope to people in urban Denver who are homeless or low income. Our primary objective is to move people toward self-sufficiency by helping change the circumstances and life patterns that have held them captive to poverty and addictions. 

How Can I Get Involved?

  • The Table Volunteer: The Table is a program on Saturday morning where small groups assemble around 50 individually packaged breakfasts and pass them out to others.
  • Family Room Volunteer: The Family Room is looking for people to help with organization, cleaning, passing out food and supplies, and offer prayer to the guests.


  • Contact Jennifer OvershinerVolunteer & Urban Immersion Director



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Trailhead community

You can support our new neighbors! Provide a community dinner (30 people) or sign-up to be a front desk concierge—both are big ways to make a difference in this special community.

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