Love in a Culture of Selfishness

Series: Renewal

June 02, 2024

Passage: Galatians 5:22

Love, as the antidote to selfishness, involves self-sacrifice and prioritizing others. Experiencing and believing in God's love, exemplified by Jesus' sacrifice and remembered through communion, is essential for cultivating a life of love. This transformation within individuals and the church community can profoundly impact the world.



Fasting & Prayer

Throughout this series we encourage you to participate as we collectively fast and pray on Wednesdays. This practice could look different depending on your season of life, but we encourage you to fast breakfast and/or lunch and spend some time in prayer in the morning or during your normal lunch break. This will be a renewing opportunity for all of us as a church. If you would like to be reminded via text, we can send you a weekly prompt.


Series Information

Other sermons in the series

May 26, 2024


The ongoing struggle between fleshly desires and spiritual fruit...