Series: Controversial
February 25, 2024 | Paul Joslin
Following Jesus is an open invitation for all. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to follow Jesus, although it comes with a price and is a daily decision to become more like him.
If you have decided to follow Jesus, the question is, do you look more like Jesus today than you did yesterday? Do you look like a person who is more filled with love than you were five years ago? Does your presence resemble the joy of Jesus when you interact with other people? Put maybe a different way, when people encounter you, whether that is your spouse or your friends, or the barista, do they experience the presence of Jesus? Does his presence radiate from your being, his love and joy and kindness and generosity? Is that what people encounter when they come in contact with you?
Do you feel a gap between these questions and your reality? What would it look like for you to step into faith and not feel the gap, but to experience more deeply the life Jesus has on offer, the life that we are all longing for, but we are somehow missing out on? What would it look like to say today to say, “Jesus, I am yours”?
- "My secret is that I want to be relevant and popular. I want my desires fulfilled and my pain minimized. I want a manageable relationship with an institution rather than messy relationships with real people. I want to be transformed into the image of Christ by showing up at entertaining events rather than through the hard work of discipline. I want to wear my face on my sleeve and not look at the darkness in my heart, and above all, I want a controllable God. I want a divine commodity to do my will on Earth as well as in heaven.” Skye Jethani, The Divine Commodity
- “I want to be generous, and I want to be rich. I want to follow Jesus and to live like a Hollywood celebrity. I want character, but I don’t want the suffering and perseverance that it takes to produce that character. I want humility, but I definitely don’t want any form of humiliation. I want patience, but I don’t want to actually wait. I want to be a person who is full of kindness, but I don’t want anyone in my life who annoys me or agitates me. I want to hear God’s voice and to experience his presence in my life, but I don’t want to actually get up early in the morning and take the time to focus on prayer. I want the life of Jesus, but I don’t want to take up the cross of Jesus." John Mark Comer