Series: Controversial
February 18, 2024 | Larry Renoe
In our lives, we'll face monumental and profound losses, it feel as though we have endured falling towers, but because Jesus bore the weight of the eternal tower, none of the trials will ultimately define us or mark the end of our journey. In addition, these experiences are not a result of our faithfulness or unfaithfulness. The reason hard, tragic and evil things happen is because we live in a broken, fallen world. Jesus calls us to repent, and to realign ourselves with him. In doing this we remember that this world is not our home. Death is not the end, it's a transition point into new life.
- September Twelfth, 2001 – Boston poet X.J. Kennedy
- Christopher Plummer, Sound of Music
- "To feel at home in a place, you have to have some prospect of staying there. Your life is a grain of sand on the eternal beach." Wendell Berry
- "You have nothing in and of yourself. You and I are made of clay and spit. Any holiness of ours is polluted beyond our petty comprehension. I have nothing to offer Him but a bent neck, a neck He has helped me bend. I have nothing to offer Him but filth, and He has taken it and exchanged it for blood, like wine, and his own body, broken like bread. Do you resent this world? Do you hate Him for cancer, for car wrecks and for the sudden shocking sleep of the young? Do you hate Him for those waves that break too high, for those hours when far more than six-thousand die? Do you resent your story, your height, your baldness, your itchy feet, your unstable lower intestine, the forest-fire sunsets, and your own mortality? Buy cream for your wrinkles. Whiten your teeth. Have doctors staple back your scalp until you die and decompose, and only the staples remember you. Go to Him or go to hell. Those are the only two choices, because hell will be wherever He is not." N.D. Wilson, Notes from Tilt-a-Whirl, 178
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