Series: Love This Book
May 03, 2020
The typical American spends 1/3 of their life working—roughly 90,000
hours. By the age of 30, most people will switch jobs 7 or 8 times. 80%
of workers say they are dissatisfied with their job. And couples where
one partner spends 10+ hours more than usual at work, divorce at
twice the rate. There is a lot of dissatisfaction with work.
To make matters worse, many days after we finish our work we are left
with the haunting question: Did the work I do all day actually matter?
Ecclesiastes transparently acknowledges the pain and futility many of
us feel around work. But as much as work can feel like a curse,
Ecclesiastes is also quick to point out that it is actually a gift form God.
That there are a lot of ways God has actually given work meaning and
value and that through our work we can find eternal significance, a
chance to contribute to the common good, and even worship God.
Which is good news considering how much of our life is spent on