
Series: Love This Book

May 03, 2020

The typical American spends 1/3 of their life working—roughly 90,000
hours. By the age of 30, most people will switch jobs 7 or 8 times. 80%
of workers say they are dissatisfied with their job. And couples where
one partner spends 10+ hours more than usual at work, divorce at
twice the rate. There is a lot of dissatisfaction with work.

To make matters worse, many days after we finish our work we are left
with the haunting question: Did the work I do all day actually matter?
Ecclesiastes transparently acknowledges the pain and futility many of
us feel around work. But as much as work can feel like a curse,
Ecclesiastes is also quick to point out that it is actually a gift form God.

That there are a lot of ways God has actually given work meaning and
value and that through our work we can find eternal significance, a
chance to contribute to the common good, and even worship God.
Which is good news considering how much of our life is spent on

Series Information

Other sermons in the series

February 23, 2020

Israel and Holiness

Leviticus in 200 words or less Genesis and Exodus are blazing...

March 22, 2020

The Rise of David

Saul is the perfect candidate to be king according to human standards...

April 19, 2020


This week we are talking about the book of Ecclesiastes. This book...

April 26, 2020


We often think prayer is what people do when they are doing...

May 10, 2020


Happy Mother's Day! Today, we open to the book of Proverbs and explore...

May 17, 2020


October 04, 2020

The New Prophet

In the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well, Jesus...

November 01, 2020

The Mission of Jesus

Jesus is leaving. We are staying. God help us! The ascension of Christ...