Series: Habakkuk
June 05, 2022 | Paul Joslin
Passage: Habakkuk 1:1-2:5
What do we do when God's expectations do not align with our expectations for our life? The book of Habakkuk shows us that in the face of evil and injustice, we wait and trust in God who will not tolerate evil and injustice forever. The book begins with an interrogation of God and ends with praise of God: worry transformed into worship, fear tuned to faith, terror becomes trust and anguish dissolves into adoration.
God always works in unexpected ways. That’s the cross. Ground literally shook as Jesus died. It didn’t look like victory. It didn’t look like success. It didn’t look like God’s plan. But it was central to it. Love conquering evil. Compassion breaking injustice. Kindness canceling strife. The world was shaken to its core.