God's Own People

Series: 1 Peter

September 29, 2024 | Paul Joslin

Passage: 1 Peter 2:4-12

Believers are like living stones, actively building a spiritual community that highlights the interconnectedness of faith. Each person plays a part in the overall structure of the church, showing unity through diversity. At the core of this is the importance of Jesus as the cornerstone, meaning that all aspects of life should align with His teachings. When we build our lives on Him, we can withstand external pressures and the chaos of society.

As followers of Jesus, we should expect rejection since our values often clash with mainstream culture. Understanding this helps us prepare for the challenges we’ll face in our faith journey. Along with that, embracing our identity as exiles—foreigners in this world—helps us navigate a society that often feels unfamiliar. This perspective encourages us to live distinctly while still engaging with the world around us.

Transformation through the Gospel is also key. Peter’s shift from a nationalist mindset to accepting Gentiles shows just how radical the Gospel is. It reshapes our understanding of community and belonging. Living well doesn’t have to involve grand gestures; rather, it’s about being faithful in everyday actions, fulfilling God’s purpose through simple acts of love and service.

Ultimately, the foundation of our faith rests in building our lives on Jesus. This helps us find genuine fulfillment and challenges us to evaluate what we prioritize, ensuring it aligns with our faith.


Series Information

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