Series: Wisdom for Life
January 21, 2024 | Larry Renoe
Our anger often stems from distorted attachments and misplaced love for things that cannot truly fulfill us. When we prioritize these things above all else, any perceived threat or obstacle becomes a trigger for anger. We react fiercely when they are challenged, threatened, or fail to meet our expectations. This anger is characterized by its intensity, irrationality, and destructive potential. It harms ourselves and others, damaging relationships and hindering personal growth. The book of Proverbs emphasizes the importance of controlling anger and the benefits of approaching situations with patience and understanding. Anger can be a powerful tool for good and it's crucial to channel it constructively and use it for positive purposes.
- The Deadly Sins/Anger; The Fascination Begins in the Mouth, by Mary Gordon, New York Times, 1993
- "If you have a god who never gets angry, you can’t have a god of love, because if you never get angry about anything, you don’t love anything." Rebecca Pippert
- "The essence of sin is disordered love." St. Augustine
- Sinning Like A Christian by William Willimon