Who Are You Becoming?
Series: Jesus Changes Everything
Thinking about who you’re becoming can be a pretty eye-opening experience. We’re all influenced by the stuff we engage with daily—what we watch, the people we hang around, and even social media. If we’re not careful, these influences can steer us away from who we really want to be. By focusing on self-denial and putting others first, we can shift our mindset from just chasing personal happiness to finding deeper fulfillment in our relationships and faith. It’s about more than just knowing Bible verses; we need to live them out in our daily lives. This means surrounding ourselves with supportive friends, stepping out of our comfort zones, and being open to the changes God wants to make in us. Ultimately, it’s about making a conscious effort every day to reflect Christ’s love in our actions and choices, allowing that transformation to shape who we are becoming. So, let’s honestly ask ourselves—are we clinging to our comfort zones, or are we ready to take that leap of faith?
- “There are no accidental saints. You can’t just slip your hand up at the end of a sermon. It’s a high bar to entry. It will require you to reorder your entire life around following Jesus as your undisputed top priority: over your job, your money, your reputation—over everything. Yet all these things will find their rightful place once integrated into a life of apprenticeship." John Mark Comer
- Jesus Changes Everything Devotional
Paul Joslin
Lead Pastor
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