Living in Exile
Series: 1 Peter
Followers of Jesus are called to live as exiles in a culture that often pressures them to conform, this urges Christians to remain steadfast in their identity in Christ. Despite the challenges, believers are called to live in a way that reflects their faith through good deeds, especially in the presence of non-believers. These actions serve as a powerful testimony, demonstrating the love and grace of Christ, even in a world that may not share the same values. Holding onto one's true identity in Christ enables believers to navigate cultural pressures with integrity and purpose.
- Stephen Ministry: Stephen Ministers provide free, confidential, one-on-one Christian care during difficult times, tragedy or crisis. This can include anything, such as grief, job loss, divorce, health issues, etc. They are skillfully trained to listen, care and provide resources before, during or after many of life’s challenges.
- 1 Peter: How do we live as God’s people in a culture that is becoming more difficult and more hostile, more pressurized towards followers of Christ?
Larry Renoe
Pastor Emeritus
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