March 16, 2025 8:30am
Address: 211E, 5890 S Alkire St, Littleton, CO US 80127
Waterstone’s Emmaus Community is made up of singles and couples ages 55 and beyond, even into the 90s. Our class history of more than 25 years has formed a tight-knit family atmosphere that is open and welcoming to all newcomers. Though we only meet on Sunday mornings, we do life together as parents, aunts, and uncles of adult children, and grandparents of children of all ages. Life within the Emmaus Community is rich in sharing life’s blessings and challenges with one another, and shapes how, together, we rely on prayer for one another throughout the week. Teaching and interacting around God’s Word marks our focus as we continue to grow and serve within the body of Waterstone Church.
Questions? Contact Dennis Vogan to find out more about Emmaus.