Giving Heart, Englewood

Missions & Outreach
Giving Heart offers a day program to provide services to individuals experiencing homelessness who desire help; services provided include access to computer lab, resource room for supplies, mailing site and community resource navigators.

Ways to Get Involved:

  • Sign-up to provide a meal for the homeless. They serve lunch to roughly 40 people at the day shelter on Tuesdays & Thursdays.
  • Serve at the day shelter on Tuesdays or Thursdays.

  • Donate clothing, hygiene, or food items for the guests who visit the day shelter. View the Needs List.



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Trailhead community

You can support our new neighbors! Provide a community dinner (30 people) or sign-up to be a front desk concierge—both are big ways to make a difference in this special community.

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