Joshua Station

Missions & Outreach
Joshua Station is a faith-based community helping families make the transition from homelessness to a healthy, stable living environment.  Since 2001, Joshua Station has provided long-term transformational housing and support for high-risk families with multiple barriers to self-sufficiency.

Ways to Get Involved:

  • Community Dinner: Thursday Night Community Dinner is a weekly Joshua Station tradition where volunteers and families join together for a big family meal. Volunteers prepare or purchase food for 50+ individuals, then serve and join in. We have open dinner dates starting in August.
  • Serving Opportunities: Can you or your group bring unskilled but care-filled labor for cleaning (interior and exterior), gardening, landscaping, organizing (shed, closets, storage areas), and painting over graffiti in our alley? We can host groups of between 12 and 30 people.



Serve Local Alerts

Want to receive updates on current needs or ways to serve our community? Sign-up to receive our Serve Local Alerts via email.



Trailhead community christmas party

You’re invited to a Christmas Party with games, snacks, and crafts. Bring your families and come meet our new neighbors at Trailhead Community!

Learn More

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