The Face of God in Scripture

Series: Advent 2023


Something within us is longing for something beyond us. The purpose of Advent, is to help us get in touch with that longing—an opportunity to reflect and wait on the One who is the face of God. Glory became one of us so that we might become like him. 


  • Where are you still hiding from God?
  • Where are you waiting to see God’s face?
  • Where are you longing in this Advent season?
  • Where is God coming into your life to reveal to you his glory?


  • "Advent begins in the dark." Fleming Rutledge
  • Dirty Glory by Pete Greig - The indescribably, untouchable glory of God played in the dirt as an toddler, got dirt in the creases of his hands, rubbed dirt into the eyes of a blind man so that he might see, scribbled in the dirt so an adulterous woman might know she is not condemned but forgiven, and rubbed the dirt from between his disciples toes on the night before he was betrayed.
  • Your God is Too Glorious by Chad Bird

Speaker: Paul Joslin

November 26, 2023

Paul Joslin

Teaching Pastor

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