Contact Information
5890 S. Alkire St. Littleton, CO 80127
Phone/Email:(303) 972.2200
Office Hours:
Monday -Thursday 9am - 4pm
We are glad that you're here! Whether you are new to church or new to Waterstone, we'd love to connect with you and meet you where you're at.
On the fourth weekend most months, all new visitors (as well as those who just don’t feel connected yet!) are invited to a short Meet & Greet in the Alcove immediately after service. You’ll have a chance to meet a pastor, an elder, or a staff member, ask questions, and get oriented to Waterstone. Our goal is to help answer your questions and get you connected into the life of the church.
If you have a question in-between Meet & Greets, reach out to Connections Director, Brooke Schmidt. We look forward to connecting with you!
Considering joining Waterstone? Attend our Membership Class to delve into the theology, history, and doctrine of Waterstone. We'll enjoy dinner and have childcare services available. Join us Sunday, April 27, from 5-8pm.
Questions? Reach out to Connections Director, Brooke Schmidt.
We recognize that belief is hard and that it is worth acknowledging and wrestling with the questions, doubts, objections and skepticism around the Christian faith. We welcome both believers and skeptics to process their doubts and beliefs with the recognition that it is not sufficient to hold doubts or beliefs just because we inherited them. If you are interested in processing your doubts and beliefs or exploring Christianity, we welcome you to visit us at one of our weekend services. After most services, we have staff and elders who would love to hear your questions and objections, help process questions together, or connect you with resources.
Hi, we're glad you’re here! We believe life is better when we do it together. We gather Saturdays at 5pm and Sundays at 10am (online and in-person). We would love to connect with you and answer any questions you have. Fill out an info card and we'll be in touch!